Friday, February 27, 2009

Funny things Ashley says......

Ashley sometimes says the funniest things.....recently some of them have been:

When making valentines cookies with mommy and grammy....

Mommy - what do you want to be when you grow up?
Ashley - I want to be a mommy and eat when I grow up.

Ashley - I really love Mikey mommy very much (she says this over and over all day long)

Ashley - mommy how do babies get in your tummy?
Mommy - mommy and daddy kiss and their love makes a baby

Several hours later on the way home from church.....mommy if daddy kisses me will I get a baby in my tummy?
Mommy - no Ashley you will not get a baby when daddy kisses you.....only when you grow up and get married in 30 years....

Ashley - Mikey I want to marry you when I grow up.....
Mikey - Ashley you can't marry me I'm your brother
Ashley - Why not I love you very much.....

And today the most recent one.....we have 2 little male chiwawas we got 2 wks ago.....
Ashley - mommy the white dog ate the black dogs red poop
Mommy - Ashley I don't see any poop honey, where is the poop
Ashley - it was on his bottom, on his tummy and the white dog ate it....
Mommy - Ok's OK (I don't think she was talking about poop)

1 comment:

GranthamLynn said...

I loved the Ashleyism's. I came by from Monica's to see who won her giveway. Congrats. I hope you enjoy.
Have a Blessed week with your sweet pumpkins.